
Guess what?

Technology can't replace nature.

Go Figure?


Same Glass, New Perspective...

When I first started blogging, I said at the very beginning that my view of the world is only one of many unique perspectives. These perspectives may change, but the truth doesn't. Just as some people see the glass half empty while others see it half full. See what you want, say what you want, but the contents of that glass never changes.

In regard to this rant on perspectives, I'd like to share another fresh perspective from Kevin Dann of Reality Sandwich. In his article, The Apocalypse Code, Dann writes:

"Apart from the striving to exercise military and financial power on a global scale, another area of growing concern to modern humanity is the genetic manipulation of organisms -- GMOs. Its relevance at this time is not surprising, since it is evident that it is actually part of the third temptation -- the temptation of turning stones to bread -- which is unfolding in the period 1988 to 2018. However, instead of the mineral realm ("stones") being manipulated to appear as if living ("bread"), it is a direct assault upon the "daily bread" itself. The words "Give us this day our daily bread" are directed to the Divine as the ultimate source of our daily bread. Food that is genetically manipulated is an attempted substitution of inverted food in place of the real food intended for us from our Divine Origin. By inverted food is meant the principle of taking that which is of divine origin and manipulating it so that it is changed while nevertheless still appearing to be like the original. It is again the principle of virtual reality, but now transposed to the organic realm. From the perspective offered in this book on Christ and the Maya calendar, since the Mystery of Golgotha -- and in a new and more profound sense since the onset of the second coming -- the earth is the body of Christ, and thus not only human beings but also the animals, plants, and minerals of the earth are sacred to Christ. This is the deeper meaning of the words, "Heaven is my throne, and earth my footstool" (Acts 7:49). The endeavor of Satan/Ahriman is to take over the entire earth and to populate the earth with his creations -- GMOs -- in place of the plant life sacred to Christ. The achievement of this goal would signify -- at least, in the realm of food -- the breaking of the link between humanity and nature."

With a biblical spin, Dann also warns of the grave difference between natural vs. unnatural.

Everyone at Six Dragons couldn't agree more with this idea.

New perspective, same old glass.