With each passing minute of our lives, our hearts and minds try to reconcile.
The mind teeters back and forth deciding whether we stand a chance or not. Sometimes it waves a white flag. At other times, it stops at nothing to pursue opportunity.
Even if it’s raped by confusion and battered with exhaustion, our brains can still make it a point to remind us that the sun has to shine after every storm. Our minds can either make us or break us. Only we hold the liberty of making that choice.
Sadly, this train of cognitive liberty derails on the tracks of destiny. Fate that only the heart knows. At the same time, while our minds are searching for that silver lining, our hearts remind us to embrace the present storm. Our hearts protect us from the superstitions of luck and coincidence.
Most importantly, our hearts subtly remind us that you just can't stop what's coming.
My mind has certainly played tricks on me throughout the course of writing this - making me think the points were too difficult to conceptualize, and the ideas would be reduced to nothing more than a mere oversimplification of some idealist hippy. Those thoughts were short-lived though because, after all, the choice to stand or fall was ultimately mine.
With that being said, I mentally did my part. The rest is up to fate.
As people get older, they learn to lead with their hearts when making choices. It’s like a biological GPS that you can always count on to find your way. Always follow your heart. If you know how to communicate with it correctly, you'll always get positive feedback.
Communication begins with the heart dialing out first. Unfortunately for most people, the brain never picks up. However, not answering the call is the second worst thing you can possibly do. The worst crime a human being can ever commit lies in reversing this process by letting the mind call the shots.
Don't fall into promoting the conscious mind to the body's highest pay grade. It won't pay off. It never does. Instead of supervising intuition, the brain should be on standby, ready to decode it.
Currently, my mind is honestly trying to figure out why I feel like this world is falling apart so fast.
So far, I've done my best to satisfy this hunch. I'm almost totally convinced about why and how the sky is falling. The big question is when. When does this all get out of control?
When does our day of reckoning come for turning on nature?
Obviously, no one knows the time or day, but there will be one major clue hinting the end of our times. This clue involves the formation of an über political unit, or something along the lines of a widely conspired new world order.
What's that? You think I'm kidding, or just batshit crazy?
Let me explain…
A unified planet is the perfect preceding for the end.
This idea goes beyond any biblical prophecy or doomsayer's apocryphalness. This idea stems from a logical observation of life. You see, life starts and ends with the same biological characteristic - limits.
In the beginning, life is confined or limited. It needs to be cradled and nurtured before it's ready to break away and stand on its own. Although growth and development seem boundless, life gradually returns to where it came from towards the end. When the clock ticks down, life revisits an all-too-familiar restricted or limited state, which requires care and support once again. The need for support arises from the inability to properly sustain oneself due to increasing limitations.
Logically, this planet should hit a natural ceiling, if it didn’t already. Remember, this world started as one colossal (and scientifically accepted) supercontinent, Pangaea.

Could there be a given time frame for this occurrence? When will the world irreparably turn upside down? As of this very moment, I'm unofficially predicting the final "big change" to occur in October 2010.
Why October 2010?
Well, first off, I'll start by explaining my sophisticated researching technique - I googled "apocalypse." For the most part, the results returned the most anticipated date in history; 2012.
December 21st to be exact.
Apparently, the ancient Maya civilization developed a calendar system that ends on that date. Regardless of the specific intricacies, the calendar stood the test of time, and proved to be more accurate than our Gregorian calendar. I love the idea of this calendar, and what it entails. It only needs to be adjusted by one day in 380,000 years! I feel compelled to believe in it.
Similar to the Maya, a recent claim was made by a man named Terence McKenna, who also discovered an end date of 2012 through the use of a great book called the I Ching. The I Ching is an ancient Chinese text that's like a "pocket universe." Not only does it provide the framework for the simplicity of nature, but it also describes every change and transformation through the use of 64 different hexagrams. (By the way, my recommendation for a copy of this book parallels any proposal for a primary reinforcer, like food or air. If you don't have it, you need it.)
So, this dude, McKenna, utilized all sixty four hexagrams of the I Ching to graph a timeline. This timeline, according to McKenna, graphed novelty (or change) over time. (You can literally try it out for yourself by using Time Wave Zero software. Just google it.)
According to actual Timewave Zero software, which produces McKenna's graph of novelty over time, the last peak on the graph before the dive into infinity will occur in October 2010. The last peak occurred in November 2008 when the U.S. presidential elections sent shock waves around the world.
2010.83 is a bold prediction for sure. I find the idea quite fascinating. I can't wait to find out what's going to happen.
Of course, I could be way off because my ideas aren't driven by prophetic visions, or some godly apparition that visits during the night slipping me cosmic cheat sheets. My ideas are driven purely by intuition, and I’m just riding shotgun.
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